Monday: A rather uneventful day.
Tuesday: Silas lost the last bit of his umbilical cord.
Wednesday: Silas had his first bath, only a short while before we went to mid-week Bible study.
Thursday: We tried something new - getting Silas to bed at a set time, 8:00. This first attempt did not go so well.
Friday: Since the Fleener family was coming to visit on Saturday, we spent some time cleaning up the house. Silas also sat down for a few minutes for us to take some studio shots of him, in the hopes of getting a good one for a birth announcement. We still need to go through the ones we took to see if any are good enough.
Saturday: Grandma and Grandpa Fleener, as well as Aunt Spring, came for a visit. We sat around the house for a good while, looking at pictures and a few gifts for Silas. A lady who we have never met, who is part of the fire department that Grandpa is chief of, made a quilt for Silas. What a wonderful gift!
We then ventured out for his first dining out experience. We all went to Fazolis, and he behaved quite well. Silas and the ladies then went to the mall, and Dan and Grandpa went to Circuit City - they are going out of business, and Grandpa was looking for some deals for his new camera. There were no deals to be found - closeout prices at an overpriced store are still overpriced. We went a few other places, before returning to the mall to wait for the ladies. Silas spit up all over his outfit, so Summer bought a new one for him while they were at JC Pennys.
We then went back to the house to restock on diapers and for the Fleeners to pack up, then we went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays to celebrate Bev's birthday.
Sunday: Sunday morning was not a good time for mom or baby. For whatever reason, Silas does not sleep well on Saturday night. He was very hungry once we were all up, and wanted a second (or was it third, or fourth) serving around the time we have to leave for Bible study. I had to teach the high school class, so I went by myself. At the end of class, I called to find out that Summer was still feeding Silas, and it did not sound like she was doing well. I left before services started, but not before Susan Corley gave us some BBQ for lunch. Summer and Silas napped most of the afternoon, and both were feeling a lot better afterwords.
That evening we were able to go to worship. The Sumphonia group was in town working on the hymnal, so Charli Couchman was able to meet Silas, as well as Steve Wolfgang, who now preaches where my parents worship. Charli gave Silas a gift - a CD and book of children's hymns that she wrote.
We ended up being some of the last to leave, which was fairly normal for us before we had him, which resulted in us staying even later because we ran into his dinner time.
Monday (MLK): Dad had the day off, so we got to spend the day as a family. We didn't get up and start doing things until after 10, so we had a very late breakfast and lunch very shortly thereafter. I spent a good part of the morning working on some plans for cofcpages.org - including talking to a brother who has set up some very nice software for his congregation that might serve as a replacement for the aging software I have at cofcpages.
We made a trip to Wal-Mart, and this time the greeter gave us a cart that had a child seat in it. Silas slept the entire trip. We ran into one of my coworkers, who now is the first person at CARFAX to see Silas - she was very excited. Silas had another bath today, and those continue to go very well. Mom and Dad had a very big steak dinner, probably our last relatively unhealthy meal before we go back onto Weight Watchers.
Pictures are still uploading, so check back if there aren't about 200 in the latest album.
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