I took over for tired mom, and spent almost 1.5 hours with a crying baby. We took walks around the inside of the house, I tried rocking him, checked his diapers numerous times - nothing worked. Finally, I put him to bed and ignored his cries for about 20 minutes. He would cry for about 3 minutes then stop for a few, only to resume a couple minutes later. After about 20 minutes of this, and not hearing any very highly pitched cries of pain (we have been able to at least figure out that pattern), I joined mom in bed. He actually stayed asleep and quiet for a couple of hours.
Evidently mom woke up a few more times to go take care of him, never waking me up until about 9. Like our friend Chris Hill, it seems that I have been blessed with ears that tune out a hungry, crying baby at night, but unfortunately I am still bothered by snoring and other lower pitched noises.
So, we did manage to get a good night of rest. After about 2, Summer had to get up about every 3 hours to take care of him. We both were up by about 9. We have spent the day just hanging around the house, and right now are watching the Cotton Bowl. This is Silas' first live football game to watch (he got to see a little bit of the end of the Mizzou game last night, that we had recorded from Monday night).
We might be making a trip to Wal-Mart on Conley Road later this evening as a family, so for those of you who have yet to meet him, be on the lookout.
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