When we got home, Silas decided that it was time for another fussy hour. Summer had just laid down to get some rest, and I placed him in his Moses Basket (thank you Dave and Angela). He slept for about 20 minutes, frequently trying to suck his thumb (only to just suck the entire side of his hand). Then, the crying streak started. I took him upstairs to his room to examine the diaper, and sure enough, it had been soiled. So, I started to change him into his first cloth diaper. I should have known this, and indeed I was told it, but you are supposed to keep baby boys covered while you prep the next diaper. Needless to say, a wet mess was created on his shirt and on the changing table.
After this fit, he finally settled down for a couple of hours. Summer and I watched the last few minutes and overtime of the MU game, even though we knew the outcome. Lori, Vicki and Brian brought us a wonderful dinner, and we were blessed with some quiet while we ate.
Silas has done fairly well the rest of the evening. We have tried to let him sleep unattended a few times, and it looks like it will probably be a long night tonight, as he starts to wonder where he is after about 20 minutes.
As with the earlier post, click on the picture to view the full gallery. This gallery covers all of day 2 and half of day 3.
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