It's been a long time since our last post. We've been busy!
Silas took his first airplane trip Easter weekend. He did great! He loved all the sites and sounds in the airport. We flew to Washington DC because Dan had a business trip. Silas enjoyed being worn all around DC in his Beco carrier. He loved it so much, that he slept most of the day curled up against my chest! On Sunday, we made a little road trip over to Delaware so Silas and I could see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. It didn't all go as planned, but we still got to see the ocean, and Silas got to feel the sand between his toes for the first time. Sorry, there are no pictures because I don't know how to post them. Maybe Dan will later!
Dan and I have been busy with our photography business, in addition to our "day jobs". We've been meeting and booking clients, taking engagement sessions, and we had our first wedding of the season on May 8. Silas enjoyed having Grandpa and Grandma Fleener watch him while we worked. I'm sure he looks forward to having them watch him for future events!
I took a girl's weekend trip with my friends Nikki and Kelli. We went to Kansas City and stayed at Kelli's parent's house. We enjoyed an *interesting* contemporary art museum, and shopping. I didn't buy anything, but it was fun to window shop. Then we went to Dave and Busters on Saturday evening. It's sort of like a cleaned up casino, except there's no gambling. You play games and win tickets to get prizes. It was lots of fun. Being away from Silas (and Dan) for two days was hard, but it was nice to get two full nights in a row of sleep! I know that Dan enjoyed having some good quality boy time with Silas. He even had Ben over (Nikki's husband) while I was gone. It was good weekend for everyone.
Here are some of Silas's new tricks:
* he is capable of scotting himself on his tummy using nothing but his legs, but it scares him, so he only scoots a few inches before he starts crying and stops doing it
* he gives kisses. He used to only kiss me, but he kissed Ella at a graduation party a couple of weeks ago. I'm a little jealous that he kisses other people now!
* he has a big voice and he loves to use it!
* within the last couple of days, he has started blowing raspberries. He does it with the paci in his mouth, and just a couple of minutes ago, he started doing it on his arm. Such a funny boy!
* I think he might be getting used to having naps. This week, he has taken at least one one hour nap per day. That's a big improvement from his ten minute power naps!
Coming Up:
Dan and I will be shooting three weddings, and possibly an engagement session, in June. The first wedding will be June 6 in Jefferson City, the others on June 20 and June 27. We're going to Florida for the 4th of July weekend to shoot the wedding of our friends Brian and Vicki. We're hoping to visit our friends Jim and Michelle Knohl in Huntsville, AL and Dan's brother Jason in Atlanta on the way.
Silas will be having surgery to correct his hypospadias and chordee on July 17. I don't have a time set yet, because I only spoke with the OR scheduler in order to get his name on the schedule. They'll tell me what time the surgery will be in his pre-op appointment, but I don't know when that will be. They call me to set all of these things up. That's the way surgeons like to do things.
Okay, I think that just about covers everything. Sorry it's been so long since the last post. Hopefully we'll do better next time!