Last month we had another local photographer take pictures of the family. Her pricing and release policy is a lot more restrictive than ours, but we were able to get a copyright release to 10 of the pictures that she took.
I tried my hand today at making homemade baby food. I've been reading "Super Baby Foods" by Ruth Yaron. It's a pretty cool book all about making your baby's food so that you can control what goes into it. Avocado seemed easy enough... it didn't require any cooking, only smashing up the avocado with some water. I threw some pears in since they're Silas's favorite food, and the book suggested mixing something like pears or bananas in when introducing avocado for the first time.
It was a hit! Silas loved his avocado. In fact, he loved it so much that he had a meltdown when I pretended to take a bite.